Sculptra Dermal Filler

sculptra dermal filler injections bergen county

Sculptra® is an innovative injectable treatment aimed at boosting collagen production and addressing areas of the face that have lost volume due to fat loss (lipoatrophy), like sunken cheeks, hollow eyes, and other indentations. This results in a fuller and more youthful facial appearance, with the effects often lasting longer than traditional dermal fillers.

Key Information About Sculptra:

Sculptra received FDA approval in 2009 for treating lipoatrophy caused by aging or HIV.

It’s a synthetic, biocompatible dermal filler, injected beneath the skin’s surface to restore fullness to the face’s sunken areas. This non-surgical procedure does not usually require anesthesia and typically takes about 30 minutes. Results can last up to two years or more.

Ideal candidates are those with deep facial folds, sunken cheeks, and loose, inelastic skin.

Sculptra Treatment Technique:

The technique involves a series of injections to gradually enhance the thickness of the treated areas. The polylactic material used is so safe that an allergy test is not necessary prior to the procedure. While general anesthesia isn’t required, topical anesthesia can be used for comfort.

Achieving the desired results may require multiple treatments, with the frequency and number depending on each individual’s physical condition and response.

Benefits of Sculptra:

  • Enhances facial contouring and appearance
  • Offers long-lasting results
  • Minimally invasive with little downtime

Although Sculptra is generally safe, some risks include bruising, swelling, tenderness, and redness, typically lasting only three to seven days. Rarely, small bumps may develop under the skin, but these are uncommon if post-treatment massage instructions are followed and often resolve on their own or with minimal treatment.

Schedule a complimentary Sculptra consultation or contact us for more information

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